Monday, October 20, 2008

Personal Experiences

This blog post has been created for others to share their personal experiences of cyber-bullying. The questions below are intended to help organize your thoughts and to trigger your memories. Your input will be greatly appreciated by all, thank you.

What was your initial reaction when you saw the e-mail messages/web site/etc.?
Did you show it to anyone right away?
How did your friends and family react when they heard about this incident?
How do you feel about what happened?
What was the hardest thing for you?
What was the course of action that you took?
Would you do anything different if it were to happen again?


Anonymous said...

I first started getting bullied on MSN. After that came e-mails.


That is my best advice for you. Oh and don't read the messages. If you do, don't reply to them or believe what they say.

Anonymous said...

Cyberbullies are just people who are aren't tuff enough to be bullies in person.