- Protect your personal information. Never give out personal information online, whether in instant message profiles, chat rooms, blogs, or personal web sites.
- Never give out your passwords to anyone except your parents and that includes friends.
- If someone sends a cruel or threatening message, do not respond. For a bully, a reaction signifies victory.
- "Save any harassing messages and forward them to your Internet Service. Most service providers have appropriate use policies that restrict users from harassing others over the Internet" (Be Web Aware).
- "Tell an adult you trust [like] a teacher, parent, older sibling or grandparent" (Be Web Aware).
- If the bullying includes physical threats, tell the police.
- "Take a stand against cyber-bullying with your peers. Speak out whenever you see someone being mean to another person online. Most [children] respond better to criticism from their peers than to disapproval from adults" (Be Web Aware).
Be Web Aware: Challenging Cyber Bullying. (2008) Retrieved October 12, 2008 from
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